please solve question 8

please solve question 8 the Q. 9 A mass k g is in a in figure. the 10 (B) greater than ION (C ) lcssthan ION (D) zero (A) 10 N Q. I C A U - tube laving Ix•rizontaIarmofIength20cm. has area with water of '-ohm* ofa of&nsity 4 into U — tube so that no watcr is Icti in the horizontal arm ofthe tutx? Q _ I In the the heavy on a liquRsof densities 20 alki 30. -me height • h ' for the equiliblil W) kq'ä Q. A light semi cylindrical gate ofr-a'fits R is piovted at mid in figure I-viding liquid ofdensity p. force F to sn•vmt tix

Dear Student,

F1/πR2=ρghvolume of the liquid =πR2h.let the height be x for the square πR2h=R2xx=F2/R2=ρgxF2/R2=ρghπratioF1/F2=πoption ARegards

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