Q.7. What are strong and weak acids. Write their uses.

Dear Student 

strong acid is an acid which ionizes almost completely when dissolved in water to produce a high concentration of hydrogen [H+]ions while a weak acid is an acid which ionizes partially when dissolved in water to produce a low concentration of hydrogen [H+] ions. 

The strong acids are generally inorganic acids like HCl, H2SO4 , etc while the weak acids are generally organic acid with carboxylic acid (-COOH) groups as HCOOH (formic acid) , CH3COOH(acetic acid) etc.

Strong acid like H2SO4 is used in lead acid battery, while weak acid like CH3COOH is used as preservative.


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In chemistry, a strong acid is an acid which ionizes (splits) completely in a solution of water. It always loses a proton (A H+) when put in water. Many strong acids have a negative pKa value, which means they are very strong.  strong acids are: HydroChloric acid HydroBromic acid Sulfuric acid H₂SO₄ A weak acid is an acid chemical which does not dissociate (split into ions) completely when in a water solution. This means it does not give all its hydrogen ions into the water. Weak acids typically have a pH between 3 & 6. Acetic acid and oxalic acid are examples of weak acids. {From wiki}
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