please summarise these things in a short paragraph.

please summarise these things in a short paragraph. Water Pollution The discharge of solid waste as well as wastewater generated from industries into the bodies causes water pollution. Thermal pollution of water occurs when hot water from factories is drained into the water bodies before cooling. Industrial effluents should be treated before being drained into water bodies. Cooling towers can be used to cool down hot water mleased by factories. Water used in industries should be recycled and reused. Land Pollution Discharge of solid waste fmm industries into water bodies causes water pollution Dumping of industrial wastes and effluents on the ground causes sewere land degradation. These should be treated properly to avoid any adverse effect. Noise Pollution Industrial activities and the use of various machinery, generators and electric drills make a lot of noise which cause irritation and stress. Generators could be fitted with silencers; machinery could be redesigned to lower and fitted with noise-absorbing materials. Industrial zones should be separated from residential areas.

Water pollution is the presence of harmful materials in water, such as sewage, dissolved metal, waste from farmsfactories and crude oilspilled from oil tankers. The three main substances that pollute water are nitrates from fertilizers, sewage and detergents.

Activities such as bathing and washing clothes near lakes, ponds or rivers add nutrients like nitrate and phosphate into the water bodies.This leads to excessive growth of algae on the surface of water. It blocks the penetration of sunlight and air, thus reducing oxygen.

It causes harm to organisms living in water and can also harm people's health. In extreme cases, it may cause diseases like cancer.[2]

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Noise pollution also known as sound pollution is harmful to the brain and hearing of all animals and humans. This includes the sound of vehicles, loud speakers, airplanes, jets, train horns etc. Noise pollution can cause ear problems or even permanent deafness, especially to older people. The schools which are beside the roads suffer from noise pollution. Students cannot concentrate in their studies. Peoples admitted in hospitals which is near to the main roads also suffer. It also causes brain related problems.

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Soil pollution (also known as land pollution) is caused when man-made chemicals, such as hydrocarbons, heavy metals, and solvents, get into the soil. These chemicals come from industrial activities and using chemical fertilizers and from improper waste in disposal in leaky landfills. Soil pollution can cause health risks. The chemicals can produce harmful vapors, or they can contaminate water supplies underneath the polluted soil.

Plastic pollution is the accumulation of plastic products in the environment that adversely affects wildlife, wildlife habitat, or humans. It is caused because plastic takes thousands of years to decompose or mix in the earth. Cancer, including leukemia may be caused by the contact with soils contaminated with chemicals. Nervous system damage may be caused by the presence of lead (Pb) in soil, and affects especially children.

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