Pls solve 2nd question

Pls solve 2nd question 1/4 0/ its molecular weight. '9ht. ent. the we•qht Of KHC.O. H.C*Oa.2H20 iS (B) half Of Its molecular wetght. 2. A bottle, Which contains 200 (O) lf8 of its molecular wetqht. solution is then treated With ml Of 0M M KOH, absorbs 1 mittirnole of C02 frotn the air. If the (A) 0.095 N (C) 0.2 N Standard acid using phenolphthatetn Indicator. the norrnaüty (D) 0.036 N O. 126 g of an acid requires 20 ml of 0.1 N NaOH for complete neutralization. Equivalent weight of the acid is

200 ml of 0.1 M KOH = 200 × 0.1 = 20 millimoleCO2 = 1 millimoleKOH +CO2 KHCO3The unreacted base has milliequivalent as  = 20 ~1 = 19 millimoleMolarity of the acid = 19200 = 0.095 MNormality of the acid = 0.095 N 

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