pls tell me why would you like to play ps4. write in brief

Such questions are meant to test your writing skills and should be attempted on your own. However, these points might help you elaborate:
- Playing PS 4 is a favourite pastime for me!
- I must mention that I am allowed to play games on PS 4 only after completing my study assignments and my evening outdoor play time.
- I enjoy playing these games as they give a very realistic, 3 D experience.
- I have learnt how to manoeuvre vehicles, find my way through a maze and chase criminals in the virtual world.
- It is important to choose the games one plays carefully and steer clear of extreme violence.
- The graphics used in the games are impressive and I have fun with my friends and sister while playing them.

  • -2
No common chats here, 
  • 0
  • -2
we should not
  • 0
we should concentrate more on our studies rather than playing on ps4
  • -3
concentrate in studies
  • -2
What are you looking for?