Pls tell

Pls tell 01 f 01-09 09-OS OC-OC ot-l)1 01--0 10 uognquas!p JO •6 09•os os-qv orof Oz-ol •K puexJ0 aqupug •s •szs!y.opq uonnqyh!p ue!p2tuatpJl •SZ Kouon oat-ool (M-os 09-ot Oz-o •tJpur 'Jsopuanhal' pug 'og u09nq'J1s!p Jo ueatUoq.L "Z 11401. 001-0* 08-09 -ZJpu•g mep •9t sN0usano 3dA_L HAMSNV ONO-I su:eld o •ON oyst- Sf-o€ ump n ' elep puki suoS_JNl JO ON ot--os¯ OZ-OL

Dear Student,

We have the following table-

Class interval Mid value(x) Frequency(f) fx
0-20 10 15 150
20-40 30 f1 30f1
40-60 50 21 1021
60-80 70 f2 70f2
80-100 90 17 1530


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