plz answer this now i have test

Q1. Read the passage given below carefully : (10 Marks)A Rose For The QueenThere was not a man in the Mughal Empire who did not know of Jahangirs love for his queen, Noor Jahan. As was the custom of the time, Jahangir had many queens, all of them beautiful and talented. But Noor Jahan, the chief queen was special. She was the epitome of grace, beauty and talent. She was also an intelligent woman who understood statecraft and was unscathed by palace intrigues. Jahangir had found in her an invaluable friend and counsellor. She even shared his leisure pursuits, going so far as to accompany him on his hunting expeditions. In fact, Noor Jahan was an excellent shot and once, surprised and delighted her husband by bringing down a ferocious tiger with a single arrow. In appreciation of Noor Jahans accomplishment, Jahangir showered her with gifts. He took great pleasure in giving her anything she liked. And Noor Jahan liked a great many things shimmering silks embroidered with gold and silver and rainbow coloured threads, jewellery, etc. Once Jahangir gifted her an emerald which was the size of a small walnut. Another time, he gave her a cluster of rubies set in a pendant. Noor Jahan loved to design her own jewellery and some of it was elegant enough to be appreciated by the emperor as well. In an effort to give Noor Jahan, the best of everything, Jahangir took her to Kashmir every year. For two long months, they escaped the heat of the plains and enjoyed the beauty of nature.Noor Jahan loved these sojourns in Kashmir. She loved the sparkling streams and the beautiful, colourful flowers that bloomed all over the meadows and the hillsides. But there was one thing she loved in particular, and that was a rose that bloomed in summer, on a single bush, in a garden at the foot of a mountain in Kashmir. The wasnt white and it wasnt pink, but a bit of both. The petals had frilly, rose tinted edges that looked like the work of an artist with a clever brush. And its scent was out of this world. In Agra, all the year around, Noor Jahan waited for the day when she would go to Kashmir and set her eyes on the rose again.She craved to go to Kashmir and see that ethereally beautiful rose that had been planted in the gardens of Kashmir by one of the most famed gardeners. The rose only bloomed in the summer season and if one missed an opportunity, it would be the next year.I. Complete the following statements briefly : (1x6 = 6 Marks) Noor Jahan was a special queen because _______ .Jahangir had found in Noor Jahan a _______ .Jahangir gifted Noor Jahan ______ .Jahangir and Noor Jahan craved to escape to ______ .Noor Jahan loved the ______ in Kashmir.But Noor Jahans delight was the _____II. Answer the following questions briefly : (1x2 = 2 Marks)How was Noor Jahan known to be an intelligent woman?Describe the rose flower.III. Find the words in the passage which mean the same as the words (1x2 = 2 Marks) given below :(a). Unharmed (b). Getaway

a) she was the epitome of grace, beauty and talent

b) an invaluable friend and counsellor

c) many precious gifts. including an emerald and many rubies

d) Kashmir duri ng the summer months

e) streams, beautiful flowers  meadows and hillsides she saw in the sojourns

f) marvellous, frilly, sweet-smelling rose flower that grew in a particular garden at the foothills in Kashmir


-Intelligent woman: understood statecraft, not intimidated by palace politics, wise, brave

- Rose flower: different hues of white and pink, frilly edges, rare variety, heady fragrance

- unharmed= unscathed

- getaway= sojourn

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