Plzzzzz... answer my questions .....

which ques are you asking ?
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Can you please explain me the meaning of the following lines :-

Then took the other , as just as fair ,
And having perhaps the better claim ,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear ;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same ..

( These lines are from the poem The road not taken )
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In the previous stanza, the author looks down  one road as far as he could. Then he takes the other which was equally fair but according to him had a better claim. According to him it was grassy and wanted wear (more travellers which would travel on that road). But both the roads were travelled equally (as he says both had worn really about the same). 
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saumya ur xam is over r8?
m sry i cud nt answer it ystrday as i was busy n was offline.if u want ny answer r8 nw u can sk,  kkk??
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Thanxx.. for asking but I got its answer...
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it  k :)
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What are you looking for?