Puneet, Ryan and Sahil are in a partnership sharing profits 7/12, 3/12 and 2/12 respectively. It is    
provided under the partnership deed that on the death of any partner his share of goodwill is to be valued at one half of the net profits credited to his account during the last 4 completed years
(Accounts are closed on 31st December)
Ryan died on 1st March, 2008. The firm’s profits for the last 4 years were as follows: 2004 Profits
Rs.1,20,000, 2005 Profits Rs.60,000, 2006 Loss Rs.20,000 and 2007 Profits Rs.80,000.
Pass the journal entry regarding goodwill assuming that profit sharing ratio between Puneet and Sahil in future will be 3:2.

Dear Student
Puneet's Capital A/c Dr. 2,000  
Sahil's Capital A/c Dr. 28,000  
  To Ryan's Capital A/c     30,000
(Being goodwill adjustment done)      

Calculation of Sacrificing and Gaining Partners
  Puneet Ryan Sahil
New Ratio   3/5 0        2/5
Less : Old Ratio   7/12 3/12 2/12
    1/60 -3/12 14/60
  Gaining Sacrificing Gaining
Calculation of Profits Credited to Ryan's A/c and His Goodwill share  
Year Total Profits  Share of Ryan (3/12) 
2004 120000                                  30,000
2005 60000                                  15,000
2006 -20000                                  (5,000)
2007 80000                                  20,000
Total                                     60,000
Share of Goodwill of Ryan (60,000 x 1/2)                                  30,000
(Half of Net profits credited to Ryan )  
Gaining Ratio   1:14
Goodwill Adjustment    
Ryan's share of Goodwill    30,000
Distribution in Gaining Ratio     
TO Be Adjusted from Puneet's Capital A/c (30,000 x 1/15) 2,000
TO Be Adjusted from Sahil's Capital A/c (30,000 x 14/15) 28,000


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