Q. 1. Following Financial Position were extracted from the books of X Ltd for the year 2014.15. 
Trial Balance as at 31.3.15
Particulars Debit (Rs.) Credit (Rs.)
A   70,000
B   50,000
C   80,000
A 7000  
B 4000  
C 9000  
S/D & S/C 38000 21000
12% Govt. Security  16000  
Bank & 10% Bank Loan  14000 20000
Stock & Reserve  18000 11000
Interest Receivable  4000  
Machinery & B's Loan  26000 10000
Wages payable    3000
Building & Bank Int. received in advance  47000 2000
Cash in hand & Net Profit  184000 100000
  367000 367000

Further information 
i) Partnership deed provides the followings: :
a) Int on capital is allowed @ 5% P.A. & Int on Drawings to be charged by 10% 
b) Profit & Loss to be shared in the capital ratio 
c)B is to get a quarterly salary of Rs.750 
d) 20% of the Divisible profit to be transferred to reserve. 
e) Interest on Bank Loan has not yet considered for whole year. 
f) An old Machinery with the book value of 7500 was sold at a profit of 100% not yet accounted. 
Prepare necessary ledgers for distribution of profit and prepare balance sheet of the firm on 31.3.15

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