3...A sweet face,
My mother's, that was before I was born
And the sea, which appears to have changed less
Washed their terribly transient feet.
a. Where was her mother?
b. When did this sea holiday take place?
c. How is the poet able to remember her mother's childhood?
d. What has stood the onslaught of time and what has not?
e .Explain the meaning of the phrase 'terribly transient feet.'

a. The poet's mother was at the beach, on a holiday with her cousins.
b. The sea holiday took place around thirty years ago.
c. The poet is able to remember her mother's childhood as she looks at one of her mother's photographs. the photograph is of her mother and her two cousins at a beach, enjoying a holiday.
d. The sea has withstood the onslaught of time, but the poet's mother and her cousins have not.
e. 'Terribly transient feet' refers to the feet of the mother and her cousins seen in the photograph. Their appearance has changed over the years. Also, it refers to the footprints made on sand by the three: they are not permanent and disappear as the waves wash over them.

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