Q 32

Q32. A child makes a poster on a chart paper drawing a square ABCD of side 14 cm. She draws four circles with centre A ,B, C and D in which she suggests different ways to save energy. The circles are drawn in such a way that each circle touches externally two of the three remaining circles (Fig. 15.93). In the shaded region she write a message 'Save Energy'. Find the perimeter and area of the shaded region.(Use  π  = 22/7)                                                                                  [CBSE 2015 ]

The Square ABCD have 4 quadrants So we can say that the 4 quadrants will form a circle The radius of quadrant is half of side of square i.e = 14/7=7cm So radius of circle is also 7cm So the perimeter of shaded area is =2πr =2x22/7x7 =44cm Now area of shaded area is =area of ABCD - area of circle =(side x side) - (πr^2) =(14x14) - (22/7x7x7) =196 - 154 =42cm^2
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