Q.5. Now she's has been dead nearly as many years
As that girl lived. And of this circumstance
There is nothing to say at all,
Its silence silences.
a. How many years are over after the death of her mother?
b. What does 'this circumstance' refer to?
c. Why has the poet nothing to say about this circumstance?
d. Explain the meaning of the phrase 'Its silence silences.'

a. Twelve years had passed since the death of her mother.
b. 'This circumstance' refers to the unfortunate death of the poet's mother.
c. The poet is overwhelmed with emotion as she remembers her dead mother. She still feels so deeply sad about it that she has nothing to say.
d. Death delivers a blow and silences all as it is an inevitable reality. The deep sorrow of the death of the poet's mother has silenced her: she is unable to express her sense of loss and yearning.

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