
​Q9. Nisha and Saisha were partners. The partnership deed provided for the following 

      a) Profit to be divided as 1/2 , 1/3 and 1/6 transferred to reserves.

      b) The account are closed on 31st march every year.

      c) In the event of the death of a partner, the executor will be entitled to the following.

      Interest on capital @ 12% p.a.

      His proportion of profit to the date of death based on the average profit for the last 3 years.

      Share of goodwill based on 3 years purchase of the average profits of the preceding 3 years.

     Additional information 

    Nisha capital 3,60,000; saisha's capital  2, 40,000; reserves 90,000; cash 3,30,000 and investment 2,10,000.
    Prepare Nisha's capital account to be presented to her executor who died on 30th april, 2016. The profit for the 3 years were 2, 52,000,  2,70,000 and 2,97,000.

Dear Student
Nisha's Capital A/c
Date Particulars Amount (in Rs) Date   Particulars Amount (in Rs)
  Cash      Bal B/d 360,000
        Reserve (90,000 x 3/5) 54,000
        Profit and Loss suspense A/c 13,650
        Saisha's Capital A/c 491,400
  Nisha's Executors A/c 922,650      
        Interest on Capital (3,60,000 x 12% x 1/12) 3,600
    922,650     922,650
 Calculation of Average profit and Share of Nisha 
 Year   Total Profits 
 Year 1                                                        252,000
 Year 2                                                        270,000
 Year 3                                                        297,000
 Total                                                         819,000
 Average profit                                                        273,000
Profit for 1 month                                                         22,750
Share of Nisha (22,750 x 3/5)                                                   13,650
Adjustmentof Goodwill  
 Year   Total Profits   
 Year 1                                                        252,000  
 Year 2                                                        270,000  
 Year 3                                                        297,000  
 Total                                                         819,000  
 Average profit                                                        273,000                        -  
 Goodwill @ 3years purchase                                                        819,000  
Gaining Ratio   The whole share is gained by Saisha
Goodwill Adjustment for Nisha    
Nisha's Share to be adjusted from Saisha's Capital A/c (8,19,000 x 3/5) 4,91,400

PSR between Nisha and Saisha is 3:5.


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