Question):- A capacitor and a resistor are connected in series with an a.c. source.  If the potential difference across C, R are 120V,  90V respectively and if the r.m.s. current of the circuit is 3A, calculate the-
1. Impedance
2. Power factor of the circuit.

Dear Student ,

Potential difference across the resistor  VR =  90 V,  so     90 = IR.Potential difference across the Capacitor  VC =  120 V,  so     120 = I1ωC.Therefore   V =  VR2+VC2 =902+1202 =8100+14400 = 22500 =150. 1   But               Z  =   V / I= 150 /3  = 50 ohm.  2.   we know    tanϕ = VCVR = 12090 =43.This implies that   cosϕ =35.So power factor = cosϕ  = 35Answers are correct.

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