Question: Change the voice

71) The auto Rickshaw drivers have declared a strike.
72) Wood was being cut by the carpenter
73) Saroj is calling Geeta to the garden 
74) Blankets will be distributed by the old lady among the needy families.
75) The vases were packed by him.
76) The portrait was sketched by the artist.
77) Ridhma eats biscuits every morning
78) The cyclist was hit by a racing truck.
79) My bag was stolen at the fair
80) They inspected the academy.


The autorickshaw drivers have declared a strike. - A strike has been declared by the autorickshaw drivers.
Wood was being cut by the carpenter. - The carpenter was cutting wood.
Saroj is calling Geeta to the garden. - Geeta is being called to the garden by Saroj.
Blankets will be distributed by the old lady among the needy families. - The old lady will distribute blankets among the needy families.
The vases were packed by him. - He packed the vases.
The portrait was sketched by the artist. - The artist sketched the portrait.
Ridhma eats biscuits every morning. - Biscuits are eaten by Ridhma every morning.
The cyclist was hit by a racing truck. - A racing truck hit the cyclist.
My bag was stolen at the fair. - Someone stole my bag at the fair.
They inspected the academy. - The academy was inspected by them.

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