Question no. 3 please

Question no. 3 please share Of A taken by B and C equally BvtUget • 15/30 x 1/2 • 16/60 Cwtnget 13/30 x 1/2 13/60 NewShare IS,'60 39/60 C. 3/30. 15/60. 21/60 KK JK and MK were partners in a nrtn sharing profits In the ratio of 5/12. 113 retires and his share is taken up equally by KK and MK Find the new prom sharing 2. Pp. RR and panners Shanng profits In the ratio of 2 / 5, '2/3 and 115. retire from the business. and his share i' taken by PP and RR In the ratio of 2 : 1. Cak•uh new profit sharing rauo_ 34 P. Q and R were partners In a firm and their capitals were t5.OO.OOO: t4.50,OOO O' P retires from the bunine•ss and new ratio 0 and R is 3 : S. State the gaining ratio. 4. A. B. C and D are partners in a nrm. retires and his share is acquired by all the partrw•• Calculate new rauo and gain rauo. IAn•.Nmv Ratio ' : and Gain Ratio I

Dear Student

As no Old ratio between P,Q and R Old ratio between them is equal and is 1:1:1.
New ratio given is 3:5.
We know that Gaining ratio = New ratio - Old Ratio
Q's Gaining ratio = 38-13=9-824=124
R's Gaining ratio = 58-13=15-824=724
Therefore Gaining ratio between Q and R is 1:7.


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