Question) Speed of boat ins still water is 15 km/h. It goes 30 km upstream and returns back ate the same point in 4 hours 30 minutes. Find the speed of the stream.

Hears sol.

  • -1
therefore space fraction numerator 30 over denominator 15 minus straight x end fraction space plus fraction numerator 30 over denominator 15 plus straight x end fraction space equals space 4 1 half
rightwards double arrow space 30 open square brackets fraction numerator open parentheses 15 plus straight x close parentheses plus open parentheses 15 minus straight x close parentheses over denominator open parentheses 15 plus straight x close parentheses open parentheses 15 minus straight x close parentheses end fraction close square brackets space equals space 9 over 2
rightwards double arrow space 30 space open parentheses fraction numerator 30 over denominator 225 minus straight x squared end fraction close parentheses space equals space 9 over 2
rightwards double arrow space 225 minus straight x squared space equals space fraction numerator 30 space straight x 30 space straight x 2 over denominator 9 end fraction
rightwards double arrow space 225 minus straight x squared space equals space 200
rightwards double arrow space straight x squared space equals space 225 minus 200 space equals space 25
rightwards double arrow space straight x space equals space plus-or-minus 5
speed cannot be negative so the speed is 5 km/hr
  • -2
Please find this answer

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Let speed of boat = 'x' km/h = 15 km/h and speed of stream = 'y' km/h

Speed upstream = (x+y) km/h
Speed downstream = (x-y) km/h

Speed = Distance

=> Time = Distance

Let time taken for upstream be t1 = 30   hrs
                                                        ​ x-y

Let time taken for downstream be t230   hrs

Total time taken = t1 + t2 = 30   +   30    =   4.5
                                            x+y      x-y  

=> 30   +   30   =   4.5
   15+y     15-y

=> 30(15-y) + 30(15+y)   =   4.5
               15- y2

=> 30{ (15-y) + (15+y) }   =   4.5(225 - y2)

=> 30(15 - y + 15 + y)  =  4.5(225 - y2)

=> 30 x 30 = 4.5(225 - y2)

=> 900 x 10 = 45(225 - y2)

=> 225 - y2 = 9000/45

=> 225 - y2 = 200

=> y2 = 25

=> y = ​± 5​ km/h

Speed cannot be in negative,

=> y = 5 km/h

∴ S​peed of stream = 5 km/h

Hope this helps!
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