Questions related to tenses topic of English Grammer expert plss help me with these questions


27. Have you had breakfast yet? Yes, I had together with Sue at 7.
28. I did this kind of work when I was a small boy.
29. He was reading the paper when his wife came home.
30. He has been speaking for an hour now. I'll be finished soon.
31. How long have you known John and Maria?- We met the couple over thirteen years ago
32. He had been living in Oxford for two years and when his mother died he moved to London.
33. After Harry had finished his work he called Jude from the office.
34. You have been doing your homework for two hours. Haven't you finished yet?
35. He always goes to the supermarket alone, but today he is taking his son with him.
36. He never works in the evening, only on Sundays.
37. I have never been to South America but I have been to New York several times.
38. Has anyone seen Jean? No, she probably went to her friend's place.
39. I went to the bank yesterday but when I got there it was closed.
40. She has been in school all day.
41. Lee has been late every day since Tuesday.
42. Herbert's father has never forgotten his son's birthday
43. I didn't finish my report because I had a problem with my computer.

B - Which form is correct?

1) c) we are playing

2) c) he sang

3) a) Susan has written

4) b) I was

5) b) they will be

6) b) Andy runs

7) a) Max tries

8) b) she understood

9) b) you have been

10) a) it is going to rain


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