Read the speech of Jawaharlal Nehru("Tryst with Destiny")and explain its main idea .

Dear Student,

Tryst with destiny , basically implies your interaction , your association, , an agreement ,  rendezvous with destiny which we the people of India had made long years ago and that on the day of Independence the time had come to fulfil those promises . It can also be interpreted in the sense how the destiny had already defined our freedom and Independence. The term tryst is basically used  as a metaphor.

 Pt. Nehru's famous speech reflected the promise of our leaders from the Constitution that would eliminate poverty, disease, ignorance ,inequality  hampering the growth and progress of the country.
b. His speech marked the birth of an Independent India , of a free India which was suppressed.
c. Pt. Nehru acknowledged the that freedom brings responsibility, responsibility of  extending democracy to all, responsibility of wiping tear from every eye.
d. Our freedom according to Nehru gave us responsibility to tread India on the path of growth, progress and development.
e. It was thus now our responsibility to bring about political and social equality and to ensure economic growth.
f. His speech acknowledged the role of a constituent assembly in establishing a system that would guarantee liberty, equality, fraternity to all.



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