Respected mam ,please explain me this classification of coelomate....

COELOMATES True coelomates are those in which the coelom is lined both inside the body wall and around the gut by mesoderm. The coelom is lined by the mesodermal epithelium called as peritoneum. Types of coelomates Based on the mode of formation of coelom, coelomates are classified into the following types: a) Schizocoelomates They are true coelomates in which the body cavity originates by splitting of mesodermal tissue at the time of gastrulation. This method of coelom formation is called schizocoelous (Gr. schizo = split), and occurs in animals like annelids, arthropods and molluscs. Sometimes the schizocoelom is filled with blood and is called haemocoel as in arthropods and molluscs. b) Enterocoelomates In most deuterostomes, such as chordates and echinoderms, the coelom originates by out-pouching of the archenteron during gastrulation. Each pouch then expands and its mesoderm lines the gut on the inner side and body wall on the outer side. This method of coelom formation is called enterocoelous. COELOMATES True coelomates are those in which the coelom is lined both inside the body wall and around the gut by mesoderm. The coelom is lined by the mesodermal epithelium called as peritoneum. Types of coelomates Based on the mode of formation of coelom, coelomates are classified into the following types: a) Schizocoelomates They are true coelomates in which the body cavity originates by splitting of mesodermal tissue at the time of gastrulation. This method of coelom formation is called schizocoelous (Gr. schizo = split), and occurs in animals like annelids, arthropods and molluscs. Sometimes the schizocoelom is filled with blood and is called haemocoel as in arthropods and molluscs. b) Enterocoelomates In most deuterostomes, such as chordates and echinoderms, the coelom originates by out-pouching of the archenteron during gastrulation. Each pouch then expands and its mesoderm lines the gut on the inner side and body wall on the outer side. This method of coelom formation is called enterocoelous. Dear student PFA

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Mam please clear my doubt....😢
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