
Q9. A bar magnet with poles 25 cm apart and of polc strength 14.4 Am rests with its centre on a frictionless pivot. It is held in equilibrium at 60° to a uniform magnetic field of induction 0.25 T by applying a force F at right angles to its axis, 12 cm from its pivot. Calculate F. What will happen if the force F is removed?

dipole momentM=0.25*14.4=3.6  Am2torque by field T=M×B=3.6*0.25*sin60this torque is balance by force Ftorque by force T=F*0.12sin30F*0.12sin30=3.6*0.25*sin600.12F=3.6*0.253F=13Nif force is removed the magnet will allign with magnetic field of earthRegards

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