show that A m^2 and jT^-1 are si unit representing same physical quantity

Dear student,
Magnetic moment is a determination of its propensity to align through magnetic field.Consider a magnet, we know that it has two poles i.e., Northand South. The distance between these two poles of a magnetic or a magnetic dipole is named as the magnet length and is given as the 2 ι. If m is the strength of any magnetic pole then the magnetic dipole moment of the magnet is given by the vector M and it is represented as


In the current loop definition, the Magnetic moment is product of current flowing and the area, 
So the unit according to this definition is given by 
It can also represented in terms of torque and moment. According to that,  the torque is measured in Joules (J) and the magnetic field is measured in tesla (T) and hence the unit is J T -1.
So these two units are equivalent of each other and is given by : 1 Amp-m2 = 1 J T -1.



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