significance of genetic  engineering

Genetic enginering is the transfer of DNA from one cell to another. By doing this organisms can be produced that have useful traits. For example, the human gene for insulin was put into bacteria, resulting in the production of a bacteria that produced insulin as a waste product. This break through allowed us to produce large quantities of human insulin for dibetics.

 It allows us to fix the mistakes that nature made as well as improve the life that we have access to.

Genetic engineering can also allow us to reduce the environmental impact of farming by making more food from less land and using less pesticides.

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@sparsh: Refer to the answer provided by your fellow student. 

  • Genetic engineering can also be used to cure genetic disorders in humans, plants can be made pest resistant or drought resistant hence increasing their productivity. 
  • Pharmaceutical products such as insulin and growth hormone are produced at high scale with the help of genetic engineeering

@akshita: very good! keep posting, your answers are of real help to your fellow students

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 Genetic engineering is a process in which recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology is used to introduce desirable traits into organisms.  A genetically engineered (GE) animal is one that contains a recombinant DNA (rDNA) construct producing a new trait.  While conventional breeding methods have long been used to produce more desirable traits in animals, genetic engineering is a much more targeted and powerful method of introducing desirable traits into animals. In January 2009, FDA issued a final guidance for industry on the regulation of genetically engineered (GE) animals.  


hope u understand

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