Social Media sites are very popular among teenagers. They spend the majority of ​

their free time on these sites, socialising with their friends. Prepare a speech ​

to be delivered in the morning assembly on the topic- ‘Social Media - Good or ​

Bad for children?’  

Dear student,

Such questions need to be attempted on your own to test your creative writing skills. However, these points might help you elaborate: 
- Social media gives the opportunity of connecting with long lost friends.
- One can share views on issues and learn new things.
- These sites offer companionship to the lonely.
- They can encourage the youth to participate in socially relevant causes like literacy or cleanliness drives.
- But, chatting on these sites is addictive and distracts teenagers from their work and study.
- Young and impressionable minds get absorbed in posting pictures trending new clothes and accessories for peer approval.
- Cyber bullying is a new phenomena that has cropped up as a result.
- Teenagers can move away from the 'real' to the 'virtual' world.
- They are unable to develop desirable social and interpersonal skills.  
- Social media can be helpful if used judiciously.


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