Solve this:
An organic compound contains oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and sulphur.
A sample Of it with a mass Of 1.045 g Was burned in oxygen to give gaseous CO2, H2O, SO2
These gases passed through 500.0 mL of an acidified 0.0200M KMnOSolution, which caused the SO2, to be oxidized to SO4 2 - . Only part of the available KMnO4 was reduced to Mn2 +. Next. 50.00 mL of 0.0300 M SnCl2 was added to a 50.00 mL portion of this solution. which still contained unreduced KMnO4  
There was more than enough added SnCl2  to cause all of the remaining MnO4 - in the 50 mL portion to be reduced to Mn2 +. The excess Sn2 + that remained after the reaction was then titrated with 0.0100M  KMnO4, requiring 27.28 mL Of the KMnO4, solution to reach the end point. What was the percentage of sulfur in the original sample of the organic compound that had been burned?

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