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Q. Name the three 'Estates' into which the French society was divided before the

The three estates are : 1st estate - clergy 2nd estate - nobility , church fathers 3rd estate - labour , peasants, shop keepers ... Hope it helps..,
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Clergy,Nobility and Third Estate Consisting of Common People
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1st estate= clergy
2nd estate = nobality
3rd estate = labour ,peasent , shopkeeper, etc.
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The 3 estates of the french revolution include:
(a) the 1st estate: which consisted of the royals.i.e. the king and his family
(b) the 2nd estate: which consisted of the clergy, nobles etc.
Note: The first and second estate were exempted from paying any tax.i.e. tithes and tailles
(c) The 3rd Estate: which consisted of the commoners which were in various levels such as :
(c.a) Wealthy merchants, lawyers etc.
(c.b)poorly paid servants.i.e. cooks, artisans etc.
(c.c) Peasants- 80% of the population.i.e. farmers etc.

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Privillaged people were divided into 2 estates they are ;
1st estate which was clergy [PRIESTS]
2nd estate which was nobles [ BIG LAND LORDS]

Unprivillaged people were divided into single estate which was
3rd estate which were other common people people except clergy and nobles.
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