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​Q2. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below:-

        The clearest sign of growing intelligence and an increase in the quality is what we call curiosity. Throughout history there have always been men and women who were not content to know what they were told. They wanted to find out more .They wanted to see if things could be in a different way. Without this curiosity there would be no desire to see more progress. People would simply go on thinking the same thoughts, and having the same ideas as their forefathers, The people who think differently and act differently are very important people but they are nearly always the people who get into trouble. As we grow older we form habits of thoughts as well as habits of action and it is a nuisance to change them. So we persuade ourselves that it is wrong to change, and when someone comes along with different ideas, we do not like it. This is called conservatism, the desire to keep things as they are.

(a) What is the clearest sign of intelligence?

(b) What would happen without curiosity ?

(c) What is conservatism?

a) The clearest sign of intelligence is curiosity.
b) Without curiosity, there would be no progress.
c) Consrevatism is the desire to keep things as they are.

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