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Two bodies of mass m1 and m2 (m2 > m1) are connected by a light inextensible string which passes through a smooth fixed pullley as shown. Then choose the correct option(s)

(A) The instantaneous power delivered by an external agent to pull m1 with constant velocity v is (m2 – m1)gv
(B) The instantaneous power delivered by an external agent to pull m1 with constant velocity v is (m2 + m1)gv
(C) The instantaneous power delivered by an external agent to pull m1 with constant acceleration a at any instant t, starting from rest, is [m2 (g + a) – m1 (g – a)] at
(D) The instantaneous power delivered by an external agent to pull m1 with constant acceleration a at any instant t, starting from rest, is [m2 (g + a) + m1 (g – a)] at

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