Solve this:

Solve this: theorem find •.•nh charge density 0. An infinitely large thin unifonn surface charge density Obtain explosion for Work done blinging from infinity to a point. distant in plane A •X' i. an ac V VO sin ON. variation Of aid Show 'n the hillowing graph: IdentiIS' the device (b) Which 01 the curves. A. Wand C represent the volvage. and power consumedin the circuit' Justify your answer, (c) HOW does its impedance vary With frequency the source? Show graphically. an expression rhe the cucuit and i's phase rela1i0n with ac yollage- Draw a labelled diagtam 01' an ae generator. Obtain for the enif i oduced Mturus each uf area A, in presence 01 magneiic field n.

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