Solve this:

Solve this: Ale, X. Y ,cfZ are panners.haring profits and Fluctuation Fund On that: investments (i) the will valued 01' Vlachinery and Furniture bc depreciated Pv-.'i,sion tor doubtful debts to be maintained at h, Sundry Debtors _ paid. premiums amounting extent to he treated •as prepaid I Account. Necessary adjustments to he made in and the balance will be transferred to his o: the A c. Partners • Accounts Balance Sheet of X and Z after Y's retirement. . each issued at a premium of R 20 per

Dear Student,
Revaluation A/c          
Date Particulars Amount (in Rs) Date Particulars Amount (in Rs)
Mar 31. 2013 Furniture A/c (48,000*5%) 2,400 Mar 31. 2013 Prepaid Insurance A/c 2,000
  Machinery A/c (2,48,000*5%) 12,400   Revaluation Loss transferred to   
  Provision for doubtful debts  4,000   -- X's Capital A/c 8,400
  (70,000*20%-10,000)     -- Y's Capital A/c 5,600
        -- Z's Capital A/c 2,800
    18,800     18,800
Partners Capital A/c                  
Date Particulars X's Capital A/c Y's Capital A/c Z's Capital A/c Date Particulars X's Capital A/c Y's Capital A/c Z's Capital A/c
Mar 31. 2013 Goodwill A/c 12,000 8,000 4,000 Mar 31. 2013 Balance b/d 140,000 160,000 100,000
  Revaluation A/c 8,400 5,600 2,800   General Reserve A/c 9,000 6,000 3,000
  Y's Capital A/c 22,500   7,500   X's Capital A/c   22,500  
  Bank A/c   36,747     Z's Capital A/c   7,500  
  Y's Loan A/c   146,987     Investment Fluctuation Fund A/c 2,000 1,333 667
  Bank A/c     29,367   Bank A/c 71,900    
  Balance c/d 180,000   60,000          
    222,900 197,333 103,667     222,900 197,333 103,667
Balance Sheet      
Liabilities Amount (in Rs) Assets Amount (in Rs)
Bills Payable 90,000 Cash at Bank 49,787
Creditors 36,000 Debtors 70,000  
Capital A/c   Less: 14,000 56,000
X's Capital A/c 180,000 Stock 80,000
Z's Capital A/c 60,000 Investments 44,000
Y's Loan A/c 146,987 Furniture 45,600
    Machinery 235,600
    Prepaid Insurance 2,000
  512,987   512,987

Old Goodwill to be debited to Partners A/c in old ratio;
New goodwill to be credited to Y's A/c in sacrificing ratio;


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