Temperature at which r.m.s. speed of O2 is equal to that of neon at 300 K is :

Root mean square velocity = 3RTM
It means it is directly proportional to Temperature and inversely proportional to Molar mass.

Root mean square velocity of O2  =  3RTM(molar mass of O)RMS O =3RTmolar mass of O ----1RMS neon =3RTmolar mass of neonT for neon = 300KMass of neon = 20.1797 g/molRMS neon =3×300×R 20.1797  -----2It is given that ,   RMS O  =RMS neon So, from 1 and 23RTmolar mass of O  =3×300×R 20.1797 squaring both side,3RT32 =3×300×R 20.17973T32=90020.17T =900×3220.17×3= 475.9K
Temperature at which r.m.s. speed of O2 is equal to that of neon at 300 K is 475.9K



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