The 8th que. What is meant by mechanical advantage is 150/2 i didnt get that step. Pls explain .

The 8th que. What is meant by mechanical advantage is 150/2 i didnt get that step. Pls explain . FRiENDi mobile* Apurba Paul posted 15/12/15 Dear Student, Please find below the solution to the asked query: = 75 The mechanical advantage is The force on boarder face is 19600 N So the minimum force required is 19600 75 = 261.13 N Hope this information will clear your doubts about this topic. If you have any more doubts just ask here on the forum and our experts will try to help you out as soon as possible. Regards

Dear student
The mechanical advantage is a measure of force amplification by any tool or instrument.  In the question the Cross sections of two pistons are given by 2 cm2 and 150 cm2. And the mechanical advantage is given by M A = A1/A2
MA = 150/2
or MA = 75
I hope it will help you

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The que is the cross sections of two Pistons in a hydraulic press are 2cm^2 and 150 cm^2 respectively. calculate the minimum force required to support the weight of 2000kg wt. on the broader face of the press.
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