"The luncheon-party she declined;there are limits beyond which repressed emotions becomes dangerous." Which "limits" are referred here?

Dear Student,

Loona Bimberton was jealous of Mrs. Packletide's achievement of killing a tiger and could not control it when she was invited for the luncheon party. She declined it because confrontation with Mrs. Packletide could be dangerous. Thus, 'limits' here refer to the extent of envy between the two of them that might spark into dangerous situations if paid heed to.


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The 'limits' referred to here are the taunting that Mrs. Packletide was doing to Loona Bimberton. She was flaunting the self procured tiger rug in her living room and the brooch that she had ordered done for Loona's birthday and Loona Bimberton despised that Mrs. Packletide was showing off and there was nothing she could do.
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