The optical path of a monochromatic light is same , if it goes through a glass which is 4 cm thick and then through water which is 4.5 cm thick ( wideness or width ) . If the refractive index of glass is 1.3 , refractive index of water is 
a ) 1.3            b) 1.36                            c ) 1.42                         d ) 1.46

Dear Student, 
Please find below the solution to the asked query: 
Optical path=Geometric length * Refractive indexL1 μ1 = L2 μ24 × 1.3 = 4.5 × μ2μ2=1.2Note:In the given problem, I guess that it was wrongly mentioned thatrefractive index of glass is 1.3. In fact, it is supposed to be 1.53.Plz check the data of the question again.Let me provide answer for 1.53 also.Optical path=Geometric length * Refractive indexL1 μ1 = L2 μ24 × 1.53 = 4.5 × μ2μ2=1.36
Hope this information will clear your doubts about Refraction.                      
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