The snake goes back into his hole and tells his family and his friends about how he was attacked by a cruel human. The newspaper 'Hiss Times' in the Animal World carries an article entitled, . Never Trust Humans' Write the article.

Dear Student,
Given below is an outline that will help you frame a complete answer.
  • Humans are selfish and reign as kings in the world above.
  • This has been the experience of our fellow being, who crawled to a water trough, in order to drink some water.
  • The heat and the thirst compelled him to undertake this challenge.
  • But, a cruel man stood at the trough and tried to kill our fellow being.
  • Never trust humans. They believe that the world is theirs.
  • They claim that all the resources in the world are theirs.
  • Isn't it a pity that we are denied our rights?

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