Two flasks of equal volume have been joined by a narrow tube of negligible volume. initially both flasks are at 300K containing 0.6 mol of O2gas at 0.5 atm pressure.One of the flasks is then placed in a thermostat at 600K.calculate number of moles of O2 gas in each flask

n1 + n2 = 0.6 -----1n1n2 = T2T1 (PV = nRT : P = 0.5 atm at both the condition, R- gas constant, V- same volume)n1n2 = T2T1 = 600300 = 2n1 = 2n2Substitute this in equation 12n2 + n2 = 0.63n2 = 0.6n2 = 0.2n1 = 0.4

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