What are the definitions of liberalisation and urbanisation ??

Dear Student
Liberalization means the opening of the country for foreign investments and capital.  Trade barriers are often used by countries to protect the domestic industries from the products of a foreign land. Usually, countries resort to imposing Licenses, Import quotas, or Voluntary export restraints to protect local markets. However, after liberalization organizations like the WTO attempted to reduce production and consumption distortions created by tariffs. Free trade benefits consumers through increased choice and reduced prices. On the other hand, free flow capital ensures that any country can make investments in the alien land. This only increases the possibility of generating more employment which in turn enhances the revenue generation of the country. Organizations like ASEAN aim Free flow of goods, services, investment, capitals, and skilled labor. These steps have improved global integration and brought about globalization.

Urbanization refers to the physical growth of urban areas due to global change. It is closely linked to industrialization and modernization.
Urbanization began in India during the Industrial Revolution, when workers moved towards manufacturing hubs in cities to obtain jobs in factories, as agricultural jobs became less common
The concentration of human population would be higher in urbanization due to the transformation of land for residential, commercial, industrial purposes



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