what are the different constituents of petroleum?also write down their uses.

The  different  constituents  of  petroleum  and  their  uses  are  as  follows  -

  • Petroleum  Gas  in  liquid  form  [ LPG ]  -  Fuel  for  home  and  industry.
  • Petrol  -  Motor  fuel,  aviation  fuel,  solvent  for  dry  cleaning.
  • Kerosene  -  Fuel  for  stoves,  lamps  and  for  jet  aircrafts.
  • Diesel  -  Fuel  for  heavy  motor  vehicles,  electric  generators.
  • Lubricating  oil  -  Lubrication.
  • Paraffin  wax  -  Ointment,  candles,  vaseline...
  • Bitumen  -  Paints,  road  surfacing.
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what are the different constiuent of petroleum and their uses

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can you please tell me some other constituents and their uses, krisnanunni?????

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the different constituents are that petroleum also known as black gold is used in makin plastics and even natural gas is extracted from it
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Maderchod twee Maa ki gand chutye phoknike
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what are the different constitute of petroleum and their uses
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The different constituents of petroleum are 1 lubricating oil : it is used in engines of machines 2 petrol : it is used in running light weighted vehicles 3 kerosene : it is used in lanterns and also in stoves 4 diesel: it is used in running heavy weighted vehicles 5 paraffin wax : It is used to make candle and petroleum jelly
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How coal formed in nature
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Natural gas is a naturally occurring hydrocarbon gas mixture consisting primarily of methane, but commonly including varying amounts of other higher alkanes, and sometimes a small percentage of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, or helium.
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Why Petroleum is called 'black gold' Petroleum is called black gold because it is very expensive and is a very essential resource as it will be used in the future at a very high rate. It is a non renewable resource. The rate at which it is being used is very high than the rate at which we use it. Hence, it is known as 'black gold'
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We depend on fossil fuels for our everyday needs. Fossil fuels can be burnt,shipped and stored. They are cconstrated sources of energy. They give off heat and light on burning.
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Petroleum (from Latin: petra: "rock" + oleum: "oil". [1][2][3][4][5][6]) is a naturally occurring, yellow-to-black liquid found in geological formations beneath the Earth's surface. It is commonly refined into various types of fuels. Components of petroleum are separated using a technique called fractional distillation i.e separation of a liquid mixture into fractions differing in boiling point by means of distillation, typically using a fractionating column.

It consists of hydrocarbons of various molecular weights and other organic compounds.[7] The name petroleum covers both naturally occurring unprocessed crude oil and petroleum products that are made up of refined crude oil. A fossil fuel, petroleum is formed when large quantities of dead organisms, usually zooplankton and algae, are buried underneath sedimentary rock and subjected to both intense heat and pressure.

Petroleum has mostly been recovered by oil drilling (natural petroleum springs are rare). Drilling is carried out after studies of structural geology (at the reservoir scale), sedimentary basin analysis, and reservoir characterization (mainly in terms of the porosity and permeability of geologic reservoir structures) have been completed.[8][9] It is refined and separated, most easily by distillation, into a large number of consumer products, from gasoline (petrol) and kerosene to asphalt and chemical reagentsused to make plastics and pharmaceuticals.[10] Petroleum is used in manufacturing a wide variety of materials,[11] and it is estimated that the world consumes about 95 million barrels each day.

Concern over the depletion of the earth's finite reserves of oil, and the effect this would have on a society dependent on it, is a concept known as peak oil. The use of fossil fuels, such as petroleum, has a negative impact on Earth's biosphere, damaging ecosystemsthrough events such as oil spills and releasing a range of pollutants into the air including ground-level ozone and sulfur dioxide from sulfur impurities in fossil fuels. The burning of fossil fuels is thought to play a major role in the current episode of global warming.



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Liquid carbons...
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1.Petroleum Gas in Liquid form (LPG) – Fuel for home and industry


2. Petrol – Motor fuel, aviation fuel, solvent for dry cleaning


3. Kerosene – Fuel for stoves, lamps and for jet aircrafts


4. Diesel – Fuel for heavy motor vehicles, electric generators


5. Lubricating oil – Lubrication


6. Paraffin wax – Ointments, candles, vaseline etc.


7. Bitumen – Paints, road surfacing.

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The different constituents of petroleum and their uses are as follows:
*Bitumen: Road surfacing
*Kerosene: Fuel for jet aircraft
*Diesel: Fuel for heavy vehicles
*Lubricating oil: Lubrication
*LPG:Fuel for home and industry
*Paraffin wax: Vaseline
*Petrol:Fuel for vehicles
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Write a note of constituent of petroleum and their various uses
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The different constituents of ptroleum are 1. Pterol which is used as a fule in automoblies. 2. Diesel is another product used in big machinearies 3.lubricating oils as suggested by the name are used as lubricants 3. There is a gas released when petroleum is drawn out this is natural gas which is used as both a cooking fule and a fule in automobile 4. LPG is also a constituent used as a cooking fule
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The difference constituents of Petroleum and their uses are. (1)Petroleum gas in liquid form {LPG} fuel for home and industry. (2) petro:- motor fuel aviation fuel , solvent for dry cleaning (3) kerosene:- fuel for stove, lamps and for jet aircraft . (4) diesel:- fuel for heavy motor vehicle , electric generator.
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It is a drycleaning
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it is a dry cleaning
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This impure answer

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The? different? constituents? of? petroleum? and? their? uses? are? as? follows? -

Petroleum? Gas? in? liquid? form? [ LPG ]? -? Fuel? for? home? and? industry.

Petrol? -? Motor? fuel,? aviation? fuel,? solvent? for? dry? cleaning.

Kerosene? -? Fuel? for? stoves,? lamps? and? for? jet? aircrafts.

Diesel? -? Fuel? for? heavy? motor? vehicles,? electric? generators.

Lubricating? oil? -? Lubrication.

Paraffin? wax? -? Ointment,? candles,? vaseline...

Bitumen? -? Paints,? road? surfacing.
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Because It's Very Costly!
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what are the different constituents of petroleum?also write down...

Petroleum?Gas in liquid form [ LPG ] - Fuel for home and industry.Petrol?- Motor fuel, aviation fuel, solvent for dry cleaning.Kerosene - Fuel for stoves, lamps and for jet aircrafts.Diesel - Fuel for heavy motor vehicles, electric generators.Lubricating oil - Lubrication.
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Fractional distillation is basically a process which is used to seperate diesel, petrol, paraffin wax, etc. from petroleum.
It has big refineries for it. The crude oil is heated and specific fuels come out at specific temperatures...
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The answer is given in the following table:

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A)The different constituents of petroleum and their uses are as follows - 
1)Petroleum Gas in liquid form [ LPG ] - Fuel for home and industry. 
2)Petrol - Motor fuel, aviation fuel, solvent for dry cleaning.
3)Kerosene - Fuel for stoves, lamps and for jet aircrafts.
4)Diesel - Fuel for heavy motor vehicles, electric generators.
5)Lubricating oil - Lubrication.
6)Paraffin wax - Ointment, candles, vaseline...
7)Bitumen - Paints, road surfacing.

A áre extinguisher is a áre protection device used to extinguish or control small áres. It usually consists of a hand held cylinder containing an agent which can be discharged to extinguish áre. The main principle of áre extinguishers is to cut off the supply of oxygen which is a supporter of combustion. This is done by increasing the level of CO which is a non supporter of combustion and therefore the áre ceases. This CO is produced by the reaction between soda and acid. The mixture used in soda-acid áre extinguisher is Sodium bicarbonate solution and Sulphuric acid.The reaction is as follows:

2NaHCO↓3 + H↓2SO↓4 → Na↓2SO↓4 + 2H↓2O + 2CO↓2

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The? different? constituents? of? petroleum? and? their? uses? are? as? follows? -

Petroleum? Gas? in? liquid? form? [ LPG ]? -? Fuel? for? home? and? industry.

Petrol? -? Motor? fuel,? aviation? fuel,? solvent? for? dry? cleaning.

Kerosene? -? Fuel? for? stoves,? lamps? and? for? jet? aircrafts.

Diesel? -? Fuel? for? heavy? motor? vehicles,? electric? generators.

Lubricating? oil? -? Lubrication.

Paraffin? wax? -? Ointment,? candles,? vaseline...

Bitumen? -? Paints,? road? surfacing.
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Petroleum is a form of petrol
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A)The different constituents of petroleum and their uses are as follows - 
1)Petroleum Gas in liquid form [ LPG ] - Fuel for home and industry. 
2)Petrol - Motor fuel, aviation fuel, solvent for dry cleaning.
3)Kerosene - Fuel for stoves, lamps and for jet aircrafts.
4)Diesel - Fuel for heavy motor vehicles, electric generators.
5)Lubricating oil - Lubrication.
6)Paraffin wax - Ointment, candles, vaseline...
7)Bitumen - Paints, road surfacing.
  • 1
The different constitutes of petroleum are as follows -
1. Gasoline - used in vehicles
2.CNG - used as fuel for cooking
3.LPG - for cooking
4.Kerosene - used as domestic fuel and fuel for aircrafts
5.Residue - domestic fuel
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Here is your answer:-
Various constituents of petroleum and their uses:-

Constituents of petroleumUses1Petroleum?Gas in Liquid form (LPG)Fuel for home and industry 2 .Petrol :-Motor fuel, aviation fuel, solvent for dry cleaning 3 .KeroseneFuel:- for stoves, lamps and for jet aircrafts 4. DieselFuel:- for heavy motor vehicles, electric generators.
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Lubricating oil
Paraffin wax
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Please find this answer

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Please find this answer

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Then in the case of anyone with this well on that side is my updated with an old thread about my friend or two weeks after this year ago on Saturday afternoon at first of us on your side is there something for all over there I would really do that the new year ago he would also appreciate what a mess the only person you and see attached files that would allow them all posts per hour but there but in touch it and make sense if it's really good afternoon on that side is my personal use them out that would allow them all posts join a message that a couple questions I would need some sort through with it would look of course if there isn't that was very well.
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Please find this answer

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LPG Fuel for home and industry
Lubricating oil Used for Lubrication in machines and engine
Paraffin wax Ointments, candles, vaseline etc.
Bitumen Used to surface roads, and in making black Paints
  • 0
The? different? constituents? of? petroleum? and? their? uses? are? as? follows? -

Petroleum? Gas? in? liquid? form? [ LPG ]? -? Fuel? for? home? and? industry.

Petrol? -? Motor? fuel,? aviation? fuel,? solvent? for? dry? cleaning.

Kerosene? -? Fuel? for? stoves,? lamps? and? for? jet? aircrafts.

Diesel? -? Fuel? for? heavy? motor? vehicles,? electric? generators.

Lubricating? oil? -? Lubrication.

Paraffin? wax? -? Ointment,? candles,? vaseline...

Bitumen? -? Paints,? road? surfacing.
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make a list of various petroleum products
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