what is a lunar energy

Dear Student,
Please find below the solution to the asked query:

The energy which we get from moon is known as lunar energy.

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Lunar energy is the energy emitted from the moon.
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energy by moon
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 Lunar Energy - our mission statement is to produce new technological and environmental solutions to the problem of clean, carbon free electricity provision for the 21st century. Tidal Stream Energy - a renewable source of power which is created by harnessing the energy built up in the oceans currents by the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun – is our solution. A predictable, invisible and economic alternative. An alternative that responds to the urgent carbon emission problems highlighted by the Stern Review 2006 

PREDICTABLE: a predictable and self renewing energy source. Tidal power – an endlessly repeating cycle – currently offers the potential of higher significant levels of power generation than other renewable energy sources including wave, wind and solar. 

INVISIBLE: positioned on the sea bed Lunar Energy’s power generation units are unobtrusive, environmentally friendly and invisible. Using the unique technology of the Rotech Tidal Turbine (RTT) they address understandable concerns that are practical and also relate to the aesthetics and the living, organic environment in which they are likely to be placed. 

ECONOMIC: a new and revolutionary technology which will produce reliable low cost electricity by harnessing tidal power from the natural ebb & flow of the earth’s tidal systems. A free, predictable power source and new cutting edge technology combine to create a new energy platform for the 21st century. The cost of the electricity generated by the Rotech Tidal Turbine will be competitive (2.45 to 5.9p per kWhr)* with conventional forms of power generation. 

Lunar Energy is offering qualifying investors an opportunity to invest in this new and revolutionary technology, which will produce reliable, low cost electricity from the earth’s natural tidal systems. The founders of Lunar Energy believe this represents an attractive investment proposition in a high growth market
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energy from the moon is known as lunar
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