What is a survey? Give examples of different types of surveys conducted.

Dear Student,

a. Surveys implies the practise or act of gathering and collecting information from a sample/unit of population for the purpose of studying  or describing something.
b.  For British conducting surveys became very important under colonial administration so as to  consolidate colonial  rule and ..
b. Important surveys like revenue surveys were conducted.
c. Surveys became important for better administration.
d. Survey's were conducted to know  about country's topography, its local history, about its relief, vegetation etc.
e. Also to get information about social demography, that is people's caste, religion, language.
f. Later, Census was also prepared that helped in collecting information related to castes, religions, occupations.
h. Many other surveys were conducted like
zoological surveys, archaeological surveys, forest surveys etc.


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A field of applied statistics, survey methodology studies the sampling of individual units from a population and the associated survey data collection techniques, such as questionnaire construction and methods for improving the number and accuracy of responses to surveys.

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