what is an axiom exactly and how do you ponounce it? pls help out. its urgent

An Axiom is a thing which CANNOT be cotradicted.It is spelt as AXE-E-OM

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Axiom are true axiom can not be proved.Its pronunciation is AXE-I-OM
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An axiom is a statement or proposition which is regarded as being established, accepted or self-evidently true. Pronounced as : axe-e-um Eg: the *axiom* that sport builds character Synonyms: accepted truth, general truth..
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You can pronounce it as AXE-IUM
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An axiom or postulate is a statement that is taken to be true,
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axiom and postulate is very important .
Postulate 5 is most important
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A statement which is true and has no contradiction or which cannot be proved is called an axiom. pronounce it as AXEE-UM
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Axiom means the 'Global Truth'.....For E.G. a^2 - b^2 = (a+b)(a-b).......It is pronounced as "X-E-U M"
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An axiom is the truth which cant be proven any more .its pronountiation is just like..X GE UM
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Hope it helps you friend
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its pronountation is just like x..ge ..um
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Axioms are the statements which were accepted by all.
They don't need any Proves.
It can be speckled as axe - i - om
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Spelt *
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Axiom is n universal truth which does not need any oroof. We pronounce it like- Ax-e-om
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Axioms are universal truths without any proofs. They are assumptions used throughout mathematics.
Postulates are universal truths without any proofs. They are assumptions used specifically for geometry.
The word is pronounced like aksiem
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Axioms are truths without any proofs
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A rule or principle that was accepted by all if us and there is no need to prove them.It is spelt as AXI-E-OM
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axiom axe eeeomm
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An axiom or postulate is a statement that is taken to be true, to serve as a premise or starting point for further reasoning and arguments. The term has subtle differences in definition when used in the context of different fields of study. As defined in classic philosophy, an axiom is a statement that is so evident or well-established, that it is accepted without controversy or question. As used in modern logic, an axiom is simply a premise or starting point for reasoning. It is said like - aksiem
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yes biriyani baba is correct
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yes biriyani baba absolutely  is correct
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Axiom is a universal truth or a statement which doesn't need to be proved because it is very obvious Pronunciation. Axe - ee - um

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Axioms are universal truths without any proofs. They are assumptions used?throughout mathematics.
Postulates are?universal truths without any proofs.?They are assumptions used?specifically for geometry.
The word is pronounced like?aksiem
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Axiom is an believe which is universaly true that is expected to be true but not having any proof to it for example SAS congruent axiom
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Axioms are statements that do not need any proof. They are kind of universal truths. (a-ks-ee-om)
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axiom is a mathematical term.....it is pronounced as X-E-U-M
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axioms are universal truth which dont need any proof. 
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An axiom is a proposition regarded as self-evidently true without proof. The word "axiom" is a slightly archaic synonym for postulate. Compare conjecture or hypothesis, both of which connote apparently true but not self-evident statements.
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they are statements which are universal truths we have no need to prove them
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statement which doesn't need any poof.
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Axioms are the statements which do not need proof but they are true.
Pronouncing as ???????
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axiom is  that beleives that every thing is true 
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