What is embryo? Describe the development of dicot embryo with support of suitable diagram

An embryo is an early stage of development of a multicellular diploid eukaryotic organism. In general, in organisms that reproduce sexually, an embryo develops from a zygote, the single cell resulting from the fertilization of the female egg cell by the male sperm cell.

Development Of Dicot Embryo:-
The oospore divides transversely forming two cells, a terminal cell and basal cell. The cell towards the micropylar end of the embryo sac is the suspensor cell (i.e., basal cell) and the other one makes to the embryo .cell (i.e., terminal cell). The terminal cell by subsequent divisions gives rise to the embryo while the basal cell contributes the formation of suspensor.

The terminal cell divides by a vertical division forming a 4-celled 1-shaped embryo. In certain plants the basal cell also forms the hypocotyl (i.e., the root end of the embryo) in addition of suspensor. The terminal cells of the four-celled pro-embryo divide vertically at right angle to the first vertical wall forming four cells. Now each of the four cells divides transversely forming the octant stage (8-celled) of the embryo.

The four cells next to the suspensor are termed the hypo-basal or posterior octants while the remaining four cells make the epibasal or anterior octants. The epibasal octants give rise to plumule and the cotyledons, whereas the hybobasal octants give rise to the hypocotyl with the exception of its tip. Now all the eight cells of the octant divide periclinally forming outer and inner cells.

The outer cells divide further by anticlinal division forming a peripheral layer of epidermal cells, the dermatogen. The inner cells divide by longitudinal and transverse divisions forming periblem beneath the dermatogen and plerome in the central region. The cells of periblem give rise to the cortex while that of plerome form the stele.

At the time of the development of the octant stage of embryo the two basal cells divide transversely forming a 6-10 celled filament, the suspensor which attains its maximum development by the time embryo attains globular stage. The suspensor pushes the embryo cells down into the endosperm.

The distal cell of the suspensor is much larger than the other cells and acts as a haustorium. The lowermost cell of the suspensor is known as hypophysis. By further divisions, the hypophysis gives rise to the embryonic root and root cap.

With the continuous growth, the embryo becomes heart-shaped which is made up of two primordia of cotyledons. The mature embryo consists of a short axis and two cotyledons. Each cotyledon appears on either side of the hypocotyl. In most of dicotyledons, the general course of embryogenesis is followed as seen in Capsella bursa-pastoris.

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Embryo: An organism in the early stages of growth and differentiation, from fertilization to the beginning of the third month of pregnancy (in humans). After that point in time, an embryo is called a foetus.
Development of dicot embryo


The zygote divides transversely to form a two-celled proembryo. The cell towards the micropyle is known as the basal cell and the other is known as terminal cell.

The basal cell undergoes several transverse divisions to form a long suspensor. The terminal cell divides longitudinally twice to form four cells. This four-celled stage of terminal cell is called quadrant stage. The four cells of the quadrant stage now divide transversely to form an octant stage of eight cells arranged in two tiers of four cells. The lower tier gives rise to the stem tip and cotyledons, while the upper tier is meant for the formation of hypocotyl.


This is followed by periclinal division in the octant cells to give rise to eight outer cells, and eight inner cells. The eight outer cells form the dermatogen, which divide anticlinally and develop into the epidermis. The inner cells form the periblem and plerome. The cortex develops from the periblem and stele from the plerome. The basal cell divides several times to form a long suspensor of six to ten cells. The lowermost cell of the suspensor nearest to the developing embryo is known as hypophysis. The hypophysis, by repeated divisions, gives rise to root cap, epidermis and cortex of the root.


Further enlargement of hypocotyl and cotyledon result in a curvature of the cotyledons. The embryo at this stage appear as a horse-shoe shaped structure. In the mature embryo, the stem tip is terminal and the two cotyledons occupy the lateral position.


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Pls find the answer below:

EMBRYO: A young, developing plant, such as the rudimentary plant inside the seed of higher plants.

Development of a dicot embryo :
(i) Embryo formation starts after a certain amount of endosperm is formed.
(ii) Zygote divides by mitosis to form a proembryo.
(iii) Formation of globular and heart-shaped embryo occurs, which finally becomes horse shoe-shaped forms a mature embryo.
(iv) In dicot plants, embryo consists of two cotyledons and an embryonal axis between them.
(v) The portion of embryonal axis above the level of attachment of cotyledons is epicotyl and it terminates in the plumule.
(vi) The portion of embryonal axis below the level of attachment of cotyledon is the hypocotyl, it becomes radicle (root tip). The embryonic stages during the development of a mature embryo sac are: 

(a) Fertilised embryo sac showing zygote and Primary Endosperm Nucleus (PEN).

(b) Stages in embryo development in a dicot.

Hope it helps...!!!
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