What is the difference b/w Covalent Radius and Van Der Waal's Radius ?

Covalent radius is half the distance between the centers of two atoms in a diatomic molecule of an element. The distance is determined by X-ray diffraction or electron diffraction

Van der Waal's radius

  • The van der Waal's radius is defined as one half of the distance between the nuclei of two adjacent identical atoms belonging to two neighbouring molecules of an element in the solid state.
  • It is essentially the distance between two non-bonded atoms of two adjacent molecules.
  • The van der Waal's radii are measured from X-ray studies.

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Covalent radius is half the distance between the centers of two atoms in a diatomic molecule of an element. The distance is determined by X-ray diffraction or electron diffraction

Vander Waals radius is half the distance between the centers of two colliding atoms which are not otherwise bonded to each other.

It, too, decreases across a period owing to increasing effective nuclear charge. Moreover, as expected, Vander Waals radius for a particular element is greater than either its metallic radius or its covalent radius.

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covalent radius is half the inter nuclear distance of 2atoms in a molecule having covalent bond.

vanderwaals radius is half the distance of 2nuclei of 2atom in adjacent  molecule.

vanderwaals radius is always greater than covalent radius by 40 percent.

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i understood Covalent radius......but wht is the meaning of 2 atoms in adjecent molecule ?

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