What is the passive of:

Man is mortal

She is a doctor

but it is not a active v oice

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thesehave noobject

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these have no object ,questions wrong
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These can not be changed into passive voice as these sentences are having no object 
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Pleace give the answer

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Active voice?is a?grammatical voice?common in many of the world's languages. It is the?unmarked?voice for clauses featuring a?transitive verb?in?nominative?accusative languages, including?English?and most other?Indo-European languages. A?verb?in such languages is usually in the active voice when the subject of the verb performs the action named.
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What is passive of are you here
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change to passive voice
are you  hungry 
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Ram kills the rawan
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Samarth Nath
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miss Punjab

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Please find this answer

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??? ????
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sixth standard Maharashtra Board video
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he bought a card
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Please find this answer

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Water is a compound made up of hydrogen and oxygen, so pure water would be water that contains nothing but hydrogen and oxygen. However, pure water of this sort does not normally exist except in the controlled environment of a laboratory. Even in a laboratory pure water is hard to come by.If you want to know if your home's drinking water contains unsafe levels of lead, have your water tested. Testing is the only way to confirm if lead is present or absent. Some faucet and pitcher filters can remove lead from drinking water.A physical test for pure water is testing the boiling or freezing point. Pure water will boil at 100 degrees Celsius and freeze at 0 degrees Celsius. One chemical test is to use cobalt chloride paper - the paper will turn from blue to pink in the presence of water.
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Man was mortal
She was a doctor
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she is a doctor of mortal is man
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