What is tritomic,tetratomic and polytomic give 3 exampleas of each

Dear Student 

Elements that have an atomicity of 1 are known as monoatomic. E.g noble gases (helium,neon,argon etc.) Again metals like sodium, magnesium, aluminium, iron, copper etc also have an atomicity of 1, so they are monoatomic too.These elements have only one atom each in their molecules so they are monoatomic.

Similarly hydrogen(H2), oxygen(O2), nitrogen(N2), etc. have two atoms in their molecules so they are diatomic. Again, ozone(O3), H2O, NO2 has three atoms in it's molecule so it is called triatomic. Similarly we have phosphorus(P4) as tetra-atomic and solid sulphur(S8), ethane as polyatomic molecules.

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