what were the main features of Nazism?

1) It was an anti-Jew group.

2) It acted only and strictly on orders of Adolf Hitler.

3) I'm just throwing this out there, Prince Charles and King Philips are both Nazi.

4) It represented dictatorship.

5) It comprised of any non-Jew child, teen, etc. Just anyone who was fit and not a Jew was forced int joining it.

6) They were infamous of gas chamber genocide of Jews.

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# The Nazi party had become the largest party with 37 %votes in the Reichstagthe German parliament.

#National Socialist German Workers Party
(popularly known as the Nazi party).

# The Nazis wanted the creation of an exclusive racial community of pure Germans by physically eliminating all those who were seen as ‘undesirable’ in the extended empire.

#They wanted a society of ‘pure and healthy Nordic Aryans.’ 

#Many Germans who were considered mentally or physically unfit were condemned to 
# Many Gypsies and the ‘blacks’ living in Nazi Germany were widely persecuted.
# 1939-1945: The Jews were concentrated in certain areas and were eventually killed in 
the gas chambers of Poland.
Hope this helps !~~
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