Whats the diff between...iso , neo,sec,tert
And 1 degree 2 degree and 3 degree...

Dear student,

The iso prefix is used when all carbons except one form a continuous chain. This one carbon is part of an isopropyl group at the end of the chain. 

The neo  prefix is used when all but two carbons form a continuous chain, these two carbons are part of terminal-butyl group.

The n prefix is used when all carbons form a continuous linear chain without any branches.

The sec prefix is used when the functional group is bonded to a secondary carbon. This prefix is not applicable for shorter chains.

The tert prefix is used when the functional group is bonded to a tertiary carbon.


Primary carbon are those which is attached to one carbon directly only. Secondary carbons are those which is attached to two carbons directly. Tertiary carbons are those which is attached to three carbons directly.





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