which is more stable,PCl3 or PCl5? why?

Dear user,
  PCl3      is more stable as compared to PCl5 because when PCl5 is subjected to heat it readily get converted into PCl3 by the removal of less stable two axial P-Cl bonds.

Reaction involve is given below :

PCl5  heat PCl3  + Cl2

Structure of PCl3  and PCl5  is given below


  • 9

hey the reason that PCl5 changes to PCl3 is also that the two axial bonds in PCl5 are weaker and break  easily on heating.  all the best!

  • 9

hi! PCl3 is more stable than PCl5 because there is RESONANCE effect ( or backbonding) in the former and not in the latter. moreover, PCl5 on heating always changes to PCl3 (u must have noticed). this reaction has -ve deltaG0, therefore PCl3 is more stable....

  • 2

How does PCl3 show resonance effect and what do you mean by backbonding. Pls explain ?

  • 3
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