Which of the following conditions would increase the rate at which the diffusion of a gas between the alveoli of the lungs and the blood within pulmonary capillaries occur? 
One/More Cornet Answer(s) 
A. Increasing the partial pressure gradient of the gas 
B. Increasing the thickness of the respiratory or diffusion membrane
C. Decreasing the total surface area available for diffusion
D. Decrease in thickness and increase in surface area of diffusion membrane 

Dear student,

The correct statements are: A and D
A. Increasing the partial pressure gradient of the gas 
D. Decrease in thickness and increase in surface area of diffusion membrane 
  • Alveoli are microscopic air sacs. They are the primary sites of the exchange of gases. Gas exchange also occurs in the lungs and tissues by diffusion.
  • Atmospheric air contains little CO2, but blood flowing in pulmonary capillaries has a higher concentration of CO2.
  • CO2 diffuses from higher concentration in blood across walls of alveolar capillaries to lower concentration in air in alveoli.
  • Blood coming into pulmonary capillaries is oxygen-poor and alveolar air is oxygen-rich.
  • Oxygen diffuses from higher concentration in alveoli across walls of alveolar capillaries to lower concentration in blood.
In order to promote the exchange of gases between blood and air-filled alveoli, alveoli are thin-walled and densely equipped with a network of blood vessels. They have a balloon-like structure for the exchange of gases that offers a maximum surface area for gas exchange between blood and the air-filled alveoli.


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